The investigation of Officer Krupt resumes in vignette trio -"Made Men?". Prepare to see pretty adult story about this courageous man going undercover against the criminal group that is outnumbering. Watch him exploring different locations and streets of New Angeles and even enable him to make choices that are hard from time to time. Some of them will lead you to hot fuck-fest scenes while other will budge the story in unpredictable directions. The only problem is that it is not always so demonstrable which choice will lead to whic consequences. But isn't this makes the story even more interestng? Ofcourse it does - you can see for yourself when you decide to try this game. And don't forget to check our website for more of your officer Krupt's adventures if you luved playing this one.
It has been a long path... and looks like it is not the end yet but just 37th (!) Vignette of the saga about epic hunt for pussymons. In this vignette the gropu of our main heroes gets and addition in the face of new pussymon Lizzy who also has given a title for this vignette as well. If you ave not played former scenes then you very likely should play them very first - look for them on our website. In case you have played former vignette sthen you already know the drill - explore the world and look for new pussymons (there will be 8 new of them to catch this time!), enjoy new and even more hot animations (over two heaps of them!) And don't miss a new easter egg featuring Scarlet (our huntress schoolteacher ). Side quest within this vignette may not be as big as you desired but in the next vignette author asserts it to be fatter...
What's up guys, here's the Pussymon Episode 33. With this vignette, we celebrate three years of Pussymon Project, and first-ever of all, I want to thanks to everyone who's supporting me in this significant project, there's still much more to come. In this vignette, I'm bringing 8 new Pussymon, 26 new animations, a new sidequest with new landscapes with Joan and more than than 200 lines of text/story. This one was assumed to be fatter, but I had some problems with my computer and lost a half of what has already done, so I wasn't able to include as much content I was planning at very first, however everything is now stationary and Episode 34 already have a much fatter story, new Pussymon and also new mechanics available. New additions - 8 new Pussymon. - 26 new animations with many variations. - 9 new main quests. - A new side quest. - New scenes with Joan Jakdaw. - Over than 200 lines of text/story. Thanks to everybody who's supporting me in this project that is significant, next month there's more to come. Let me know if you find some error or bug, so I can fix it. See you afterward.
35 gigs of Pussymon Saga are behind so if you were craving to continue the escapade then your wait is over - scene 36 is ultimately here! This chapetr of adventures is titled as"Liunahelm and Tayzakana" and will let you to meet two new countries (which names obviously wa smentioned in the title). So get ready to dive into the world of pussymons quiet deep and for long because this scene has quite a lot of differnet content - more than three dozens (!) Of new scenes, seven new pussymons (five new pussymons as normal plus two bosses!) And over one thousand lines of texts (the record of the seires for now!). Besides all that you will meet new characters, reveal a couple of mysteries form the past and get few side quests which will allow you to explore the world!
The tile doesn't lie to you - this game is nothing more than interactive manga porn intercourse scene. Yet if you are need any kind of story introduction then here you are: today you will know the story of youthfull and pretty chick named Lily Candy who is struggling in a real estate business and have a chance of loosing everything if she won't get a client by any means essential. The part you will see during the game. The ingame animations will be changing according to speed that is clicking. To unlock the center sign you will have to click a combination that is particular. Yeah, it will take some time to practice it. But if you will manage to understand the gameplay scheme and enjoy the process then check our website for other manga porn intercourse scenes as this one here. Click on!
In this interesting game in which there is a good deal of humor and hilarious music, you will have to find out the situation that happened on the farm. So you get a strange letter from a gal called Rose. You go to the farm to find out more details. Use the mouse to interact with game objects. Talk to the gal at home. She will tell you a lot of things that are interesting. Then go investigate the farm. At the bridge you see a local fisherman - talk to him to get the quest. So you have to solve riddles and conclude quests to find out the response to the most important question in the game. With assistance, the protagonist will be able to do this.
If you observe carefully for teh Pussymon saga then you most likely have a reason to celebrate this one - it is scene number 40 already! This tiem it is titled"The Queen's request". Adventures of our courageous group of pussmon hunters will continue. Probably there's absolutely no reasosn to retell you the whole story because it got quite big for a few last years of this game series exists - you either play games and know everything or you have no idea what is occuring in this fantasy world and only your individual meeting with former sequences may correct the situation. But what you want to be aware of is that this scene can bring you more new pussymons, new quests, new animations and a couple of surprises. Also this scene might seem a tiny bit shorter and easier than usual but it is simply because author decided to spend more time for the next game which will be a Halloween Spescial scene!
The current episode of Pussymon is an exhilarating experience that introduces 6 new Pussymon for players to catch and train. With sensational animations and a fascinating storyline, this episode makes sure to keep players engaged for hours on end. However that's not all, as the game likewise uses a new scene featuring the seductive Scarlet in a side mission that adds much more depth to the already immersive world of Pussymon. With over 150 lines of text and dialogue, players will have the chance to completely immerse themselves in the rich narrative of the game.
Originally this 43rd scene of Pussymon Saga was released in the couple of decemebr so slightly you will be surprised by the fact that it is once again dedicated to the holiday season and will consist of plenty of xmas related themes in it. By the way in one of such holiday specials you have visited Frost Pole and for all of you who always wished to come back to this wonderfull location this scene will bring this gift right away! Saving the world from disasters and wars is a excellent things without any doubt but even when the help is necessary by only one ordinary being there is no way you and your friends should reject... notably if in this adevnture you are still going to become new pussymons to your group as well as you will have new erotic and anime porn minutes!
If you are following the adventures of members of Pussymon Hunters Socitey for some time already you might be interested in the truth that in this epsiode we will ultimately know more about the the first legendary pussymon! So waste no mor etime and embark playing vignette 44 -"Selene"! So your group wa stepson its method to Liunahelm's castel and almost reached it suddenly DOT got a message. And this message was from king Jeanivolus the Third himself! Looks like he has a very special mission for your team and it can't wait any longer because chnaces of overcoming Brutemon are fading with every seconds and if this new mission will be succesfull it might bring you closer to victory as never before... New big quest, new side stories, new animations and ofcourse new sexy pussymons are waiting for you!
In this quite continous stroy (at the moment this game is peing posted on our website there are at least ten vignettes are available already) you are going to ensue the adventures of a normal fellow from a puny town... or at least he was like that in the very beginning. And as we alreday said it is going to be long travel for him so the things are going to change and they will change significantly. Due to some unfortunate events our fellow is coerced to go to the military school yet since he has never dreamed to be a soldier he will try to locate some strategies to protect against this. And during his attempts he will happen to discover the book which is quite old and also quite special - the book with skill that will ultimately give him with the capacity to make his own fate.
In this interesting 3D lovemaking game you will learn the history of the relationship between Harry and Tina. So you overslept and was late for breakfast. But you can resolve the situation. First you have to look around. Then go to the cafe to find Harry there. But very first, let's wear Tina. To do this, use the mouse. Click the arrows at the edges of the game screen to look around. Then click on the door to go into another room. As shortly as you find a damsel talk to her. She will tell you a lot of things that are interesting. After that, go to the cafe. There you will meet Harry. After that you have to make a selection. Definitely the mission of the game is to have lovemaking with beautiful and buxomy women. You have to locate a way how to do it. Start playing at this time.
How about becoming a space adventurer and go to far corners of the galaxy!? Take on the important role of the intergalactic spacecraft transporter, how it gets involved in a lot of fun and erotic screenplays, trying to do its job. So your name is Samantha and you are 24 years old. You are a pilot of cosmic transporting and transport piles of galaxies. Sometimes illegal goods are carried by you. These are blackjack, whores and drugs. You must help sexy capitan Samanta find a way out of the situation to steer clear of trouble with the space police. The game is entirely intertivative and you can do whatever you like. There are no confinements. Explore fuck, masturbate and space at this time.
Are you ready to become hot looking wooly woman and dive to teh deepest regions of space? Then you alreay want to play this game! Ofcourse our woman won't be some adventurer (well, may be a little bit) but you know how these thinsg usually happen - even a elementary transportation job might turn into full-scale intergalactic war and bring lost of dangers as wel as lots of opportunities... and ofcourse you should evade the first-ever ones and not to miss the last ones if you are planning to not only to do the jobe but also to receive a proper reward for it. And no matter what type of reward this is going to be... A whole lot of fun and erotic scripts that will take you into a huge space escapade where you will meet unique characters and do a whole lot of things with them - isn't that what games are even exist for?
55th(!) Epidsode of the Pussymon Saga is ultimately here which means that you are all set to keep fighting agaisnt one of your greatest enemies - the dangerous and mighty evil Brutamon! In the former chpater of your adventures you were looking for an old book which was stolen long time past but you have managed to reclaim it eventually. But this is merely a beginning and before you will be able to use the exceptional expertise that is contained inside this book you will have to discover the key. For that you will need to see the region of fun and joy - the Frost Pole! That which you will help the locals to fix some of their pussymons related difficulties and as soon as you do you will be rewarded not only with the anticipated key but with some anime porn themed content too!
There are several great places in Pussymon planet and Fruit Valley is undoubtedly one of them. By the way you are welomed to stop by this green location in new - 42nd in the seires - gig! In look for new and unique skills that will allow you to become one of the very best pussymon hunters there is you are going to go after Scarlet's request and to fulfill her in the forest nearby. But even getting to the randevouz point will beocme a test by itself since you will have to deal with some pussymons as well as to handle a few other obstacles in your way. Or may be this whole path is the exceptional training she was offering in the first-ever place? Anyways it is going to be one more step in a significant venture! Just don't forget to check for following and prior sequences on our website.
The Pussymon Saga goes on and on and today you're able to play the 58th (!) Chapter of it already! To be able to handle with the outcomes of the prior part of your escapade you are seeking for help to retrieve the bot. And it seems that there is a man or woman who might help you with that and it is non other than Gurakan's Queen's sister-in-law named Zanya! Ofcourse she is not going to help you for free and in exhcnage for her assistance you will have to retrive her ring first-ever and that you ought to begin your search at the Princess Babette's castle. There you are going to get involved not only in the pussymon tournament but also into the intrigues of Queen's bedroom but it will be the part of your escapade that you would like to epxlore by yourself...
Have you been missing indeed raw pussymons lately? Then you will be more than glad to know that in this scene - already 60th in the seires - you are going into a different one superb overseas escapade! After the recent events you and your loyal teammates are just about to perceive all the prized of having the freedom to travel wherever you wish to and having pirate ship captain as your friend (sort of) is certainly quote useful characteristic for such moments. But don't expect for refreshment any time briefly because as most of us know there are some pussymons are living in the oceans which obviously granting you with the opportunity to not only obtain their help through your upcoming escapade but also to add new fur covered lovelies to your individual collection!
If you thought that things got pretty harsh in the prior scenes then we have terrible news for you - all will get even more tense! Like being expelled from your pervious school was not enough the new place has well-prepped few surprises for you as well and since you will see pretty shortly not all of them are going to be nice. By way of example, there will be a boy named Dennis who is trying to blackmail some hot chicks and even some of the instructos and for that he is planning to use... the record of your voice! Probably you already can imagine what type of trouble his tricks can get you into so try to do whatever you can to stop the damage he may bring upon yourself and both your old and new friends. And ofcourse wait for the next sequence of this arousing story!
Far the last few chapters of "Double Homework" Dennis was bringing you the majority of the difficulties yet soon you are going to get a fantastic possibility to clear up the scores with him. Will you use this chance? Wont it make whatever even worse than it was previously? Welll, it really depends upon exactly how great you are at choosing buddies and using their personal skills in difficult circumstances.
Your quest embarked in one of the preceding sequences of the Pussymon Saga seems to be close to become successfull now when you have found not only the smallish island by the coordinates but even managed to figure out where the secret door remains hidden! And you even opened it and you have entered it... and you should have known that not everything will be so easy and as soon as you come in the door shuts behind you! But what seems to be a trap actually ends up to be the way to the mysterious city where only the bots live and appears like they know how you could get back to your own team but only in case you will help to fix their problem very first. Well, instead of spending the rest of your days in the darkness you just got a new quest - that is the existence of a hero what is all about!
Stop wasting your time on guessing how many sequences of Pussymon Saga there will probably be released in the future and play 34th (!) Scene at this time instead! The Halloween specisal is over (if you have not played it afterward loo for it on our website) and now our team of bravy pussymon hunters will have to get back to their regular business. By way of example exploring the big caverns in attempt to discover some help in handling their new archnemesis aka Hydragodon... and obtaining new sexy pussymons to the collection ofcourse! New quests, new creatures, new animations - all of it you will get in this scene as well. And ofcourse wait for new sequences - looks like author is not planning to stop any time briefly and ready to make all worshippers of pussymons glad again and again!
To begin with don't be surprised if you will see this 35th gig of pussymon saga a bit shorter than usual since there are a whole lot of new things are going to be added to the series and author is focused on producing them at precisely the exact same time. But non the less you still going to get some epic quests and new sexy pussymons for your collection so waste no more time and set your foot on the shore of"The Island of Blooming Flowers"! After a long journey over teh seas the relations between your companions got a small bit rough so contrary to continuing your big journey you will also have to pay some attentions to the characters too... which undoubtedly will make this new gig more private and titillating for all who have finished 34 vignettes prior to that!
The more you know about the more difficult situations you'll find yourself in... but should you be willing getting a fresh chapter of exciting adventures then you are all set to experience the 18th chapter of "Doble Homework" visual novel! In this episode, the entire class will be taking an educational trip to Barbossa. There are a few reasons why you're traveling with the school group. Additionally, this location has snowball memories. But that's not all the fact that your arch-nemesis Dennis was able to access the location with all the girls, and it's clearly not making you happy in any way. Maybe Miss Mosley might be able to help you solve a portion of the issues, however, there is a hint that she may have her own motives in the development of these events...
According to the main stroyline of this series of visual novels, you were fortunate to have grown up with two gorgeous redheads. As you get older, and naturally, you will be faced with new methods of developing relationships with your friends and the environment can put them to the test time and time again. We aren't talking about the situation only that surround you - those around you won't always be your best friends! We hope you'll be able to make the right decisions and even if you don't, at least you'll be able to face the consequences in a way that is clear enough. It is highly recommended to start watching this show from the first episode, or else you won't know who the characters are and what motivates and drives them.
Time flies by even in Milfy City and right here we have snow anywhere and the xmas season is turning up! This little side experience will take a few of your preferred characters from the primary storyline and send them on a little wintertime themed experience. Holiday season is the time when wonderful things are occurring at all times and who understands - perhaps you will seduce some busty milf as well?